Report Gallery
All reports can be found in the Reports menu in the top bar of the site. In the report menu, the standard reports come first, followed by the gallery and editor. The gallery consists of the most recently opened reports, report shortcuts, and customer-specific custom reports stored in the report library.
To browse recently opened reports, report shortcuts, and the custom reports, select a box at the top of the report gallery. The list of reports for each item opens below.
Click on the NAME above the list to rearrange the reports alphabetically.
Saving a shortcut
Report shortcuts from standard or custom reports can be saved with custom settings that have been modified with the available toolbar functions. These settings can include for example a specific cost center or period of time. The saved report shortcut opens directly in the modified view without having to make the same view changes again.
A report shortcut is created using the 'Add shortcut' function. First, make the desired changes to the report using the toolbar options, such as date range or cost centers. Then, select 'Add shortcut.'
In the field at the bottom of the pop-up window, enter the name of the report shortcut, and in the left part of the window, select the folder where the report shortcut will be saved. By default, all new report shortcuts are saved in the Report Shortcuts folder. The report shortcut is saved with the 'Save' button.
All available report shortcuts can be found in the Gallery section of the Report menu, under Shortcuts